This is my first blog focused on our new! So far, I've participated in Warrior Dash Louisiana (with co-workers) and the Cajun Cup 1 Mile Fun Run (with my wife). The Celebration in the Oaks 2 Mile Run/Walk was my third race and Conor's (my 10 year old son) first race. Conor is in training for the Louisiana Kid's Marathon, which is a training program where kid's run the total mileage of a marathon throughout a specific time frame, with 1.2 miles being on the final race day.
When we first decided that Conor would do the marathon, it sounded easy, run the 9 week program as designed and nothing would get in the way. Then, football season started and then school baseball tryouts. Of course, we thought we could just wake up early and get the running in before school. Then, the weather got in the way. So, we decided to just make up our own schedule to get his 25 miles in before the final race day. Part of his training included the Celebration in the Oaks 2 Mile Run/Walk. This race, much like the others, became a family event. Me, Conor, Colton (2 year old little bro), and Erin (mom) made the drive to NOLA for the race. We ended up in NOLA around 1:00 pm and decided to head to Harrah's Miracle on Fulton Street. Conor wanted to bring his Christmas list to the Macy's mailbox to mail to Santa, but we didn't have time to find the giant red mailbox before the race. We walked through Fulton Street, then to the Riverwalk, and along the river to watch the giant ships (Pirate Ships according to little bro).
Then, it was time to drive to City Park for the race. We arrived at City Park, thanks to the maps program on my iPhone, and ended up with a prime parking spot on the main drag! After a short walk; we picked up our race bibs, race shirts, and free New Orleans Bowl tickets! We didn't have much time to eat before arriving, but to our surprise, there was plenty of food and drinks before the race. There were stations set up on both sides of the park with oranges, apples, bananas, chees-itz, cinnamon rolls, and cookies for everyone to enjoy. Also, there was a Kentwood water truck and Gatorade booth set up with plenty of pre-race drinks.

Now it was time for the race! Of course, little bro (Colton) wanted to run with us, but mom distracted him with Storyland park. Me and Conor headed the starting line with the hundreds of other runners. We found a good spot to set up and get our music ready for the race. After the National Anthem, the crowd roared, and then we heard the gun shot! It was time to run! This was Conor's first race, so he didn't really understand what was going on. At the start, he was having trouble getting through all the people. Then, he caught on and began having fun! We began weaving in and out of people, almost running into a few cars, and found us a good opening to run. We had prepared to run a half mile, then walk a quarter mile, run half mile, and so on; but then the competitive spirits kicked in. We ran the first half mile in 4 minutes (Conor's personal best), then kept a good pace on our walk. We walked for about a tenth of a mile, then Conor thought he would get the best of me and started running before our scheduled distance. Of course, he didn't leave me in the dust (yet) and I kept up with his pace, while we weaved through all the traffic. We continued to mix it up between runs and walks throughout the race based on milestones; such as the man lift in the park, the science museum, and the random light poles we pointed out.
Then, it was time for the final distance. It was me against Conor; old vs young, mano E mano! According to the app on my phone, we had already run 1.7 miles. Between punching each other when we saw random Volkswagons, we decided that at the third lightpole after the final turn, we would race to the finish. Of course, Conor doesn't listen, and at the "second" light pole he began sprinting! By the time he made the final turn for finish, I couldn't see him anymore. By the time I crossed the finish line, he was waiting for me and laughing! As I crossed, I checked my phone. It showed my time as 23:17 for 2.15 miles. By the amount of laughter, I gave Conor a final time of 22:00! Yes, HE SMOKED ME!
Now, it was time for the post-race party! Our first stop was the water truck. Then, we split up, Conor went for the Gatorade booth, while I headed for the beer truck. I picked up a cup of red beans and rice, thanks to Blue Runner Foods, and we then looked for mom and bro. Of course, little bro (and Conor) wanted red beans, so they went pick up some food and drinks.
After the post-race food and drinks, it was time to check out Celebration in the Oaks (free of charge due to running in the race). Mom jumped in line early to get her ticket and we were all in the gates by 5:20. This was Colton's (little bro) first time in the park since he was a few months old. We walked the park and enjoyed all the lights. My favorite part was the Train Garden, which Colton kept calling Chuggington based on his morning cartoons, and Conor's favorite part was the Dripping Snow Exibit. After the lights, it was time for our drive home. This was the worst part of the day, but it's only for a short time. We shall return in two weeks for the New Orleans Bowl to watch our Cajuns! We are planning on having a timed run along the river Friday, December 21st before all the partys begin. If you want join us, send us an e-mail at .